CYBER week Bonus limited time

Every day people ask me. What can I do to help my child to be responsible, to concentrate, to be able to communicate? What about rejection? All these are things that make a parent or teacher’s life difficult. But there is always the solution from an expert.


Cyber week coupon link

Get the course Ranking on first Google page occupational self development

Ranking on the first Google page

for $27.99 or the same amount in your currency and get all the other of my courses for free!!

You have to buy only with the above code and only from this email!!  After you buy the link for all of my courses will be delivered in your mailbox with a free coupon code. it may take up to 8 hours. If you have any questions send me a message.

Be an expert on how to use play organized for development and therapy

How to create a Self Brand

Parenting and teaching communication with a child  made easy

Αποτελεσματική επικοινωνία με παιδιά 4-6 ετών

Rejection: How and Why for Prevention and Therapy

Child’s stories or narrations organized FOR therapy & growth

The inner child and how to use it for therapy and growth

Use the steps to cook with a child for therapy and growth

Convert kid’s play: learning, therapy & growth as an expert

Βοήθησε ένα παιδί 4-6 ετών να γίνει υπεύθυνο

Responsible child how to facilitate it as parent or teacher



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My best wishes to your success and development

Anastasia Makratzi

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