My child, my mirror

My child, my mirror

The importance of mother-child and child father communication and relation is well documented and creator of the child’s emotional quality, love, self-esteem, gender identity, and perturbations such as perceptual discrepancy of space-time. (Makratzi, 2011, Makratzi, 2016)

The child, who has not yet created his own psychosomatic limits, chuckles in the arms of his parents, sucks, identifies with them and takes all their own feelings for themselves and the surrounding world. He/she learns through his own parents, since he has no ability to discern what is his own, and what is foreign is the mirror of parents, mom and dad. Mother dismissive, critical of herself and her sex and for others passes these feelings of rejection and to her child the same father.

The child, in order to create his own inner core, needs to be nurtured in an environment of acceptance, non-critical mood and communicative skills externally by the parents and internal, ie in a state of inner psycho-emotional communication.

The communication skills of the parents, (also Makratzi, 2018) as well as the non-discouraging behavior for themselves and for others, constitute the foundation stone of creating a child with confidence, love, self-esteem and the creation of a stable identity.

As parents, if we want to help our child, we do not have to change the others or the child itself. All we need to change is ourselves.

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